Renny Koerner-Brown
Melbourne child-friendly venues reviewed by mums on what to do and where to go with kids.
Renny Koerner-Brown, her team of mums and their dedicated children have strolled, sung, swum, skated, snacked, biked, bowled, patted and partied their way through over 300 venues in and around Melbourne with an insider’s view on venues that may sound fabulous in advertisements but once you drive hours to get there and pay the exorbitant admission fees, are they really worth it?
Is it fun, educational?
Which age groups will enjoy it?
How long to spend there?
How much walking?
Is it stroller-friendly?
Is it suitable in all weathers?
Café, snacks, picnic facilities?
Facilities and opening hours
Admission prices, discounts, family tickets, or free?
Party and group facilities
Address, map reference
Transport and parking
Bathroom facilities: change tables, breastfeeding areas?
Is there an ATM, do they have EFTPOS?
213 x 142 mm
288 pp