Portfolio Category: eBooks


What you eat is the key to living longer and healthier to help your body meet the challenges of later age, prevent premature ageing and stave off dementia, diabetes and more. Food choices maximise body and brain function, how well every cell, every tissue, every muscle repairs, functions and renews itself.

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Judy Cuppaidge was an intrepid explorer, acclaimed painter, a noted gardener, and a marvellous and witty storyteller. Her search for the perfect flower—before it became forever lost to deforestation, encroaching roads, houses and people—took her across the Pacific to remote islands, the Americas, Fiji, New Zealand, through bustling cities as well as mainland rainforests, via abandoned airfields and back to her own backyard in Australia.

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Schoolteacher Gail Ford visited Russia 18 times in 20 years, so her unique travels provide snapshots of Russian life during the pivotal times of a crumbling Soviet Union and momentous change.

When Gail first took a group of students to Russia in 1989, disaster struck before they had even set foot on the Trans Siberian Railway. But they journeyed on through Siberia and Uzbekistan en route to Moscow and Leningrad and along the way were wooed with cakes and flowers by ardent young soldiers, shared a train carriage for far too long with a nappy-less baby, and were booked into a hotel–brothel by officials in Samarkand.

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The essential handbook for writers and non-writers wanting to write or record their own or a loved one’s life story with insightful trigger questions and story examples.

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